The Skypetime system contains 4 modules, each with its own purpose:
- Presence;
- Calls;
- Remote sessions;
- External activity.
Each module includes a data source from which the system receives and processes the information. There can be several sources.
Using the Presence module as an example, you can see that you can receive user presence data from the Skype for business application and from the Active Directory service.
In the event that a module needs to be disabled and not to display information on it on the main site, the on / off function is implemented for this purpose. To disable a specific module, click on the check box to the left of the module name. After applying, communication between the module and the displayed data on the main site is suspended: the menu and legend sections are hidden.
For example, if you disable the Remote sessions module on the main site, the “Deleted Sessions” menu item is hidden, and the item “Remote Session” does not appear in reports with diagrams in the legend block.
If the module is disabled, if the data collection service is started, the following message is displayed:
By clicking the “Yes” button, data collection services will be stopped. If you click the “No” button, the service will continue to collect data, and the module will be disabled.
A mark in the column “Calculation of time by source” means that this module is “by default”, the received information from the data source will take part in the calculations of user’s working time + displaying data on the Gantt charts. In case the mark is not set, then in the tabular reports the information on this source will not be displayed and in the legend the mark with the source will be disabled (but when turned on, the data will appear on the diagram). For what data source is the working time for subordinate employees, the Head of the department can set up independently on the page “Editing the department” or for each employee separately on the employee editing page.
The data source consists of services that perform the function of collecting data from various servers whose settings are set in the corresponding sections of the Administrator Panel: AD server, IIS server, RDG server.
The Administrator can manage the services: by clicking on the icon dialog box appears with a list of installed services.